Sunday, August 8, 2010

Issue: Having a Web Service Clent and Web Services within the same project


Strangely we have observed an issue when we generated a Web Service client within in the same project where we have Web Servcies hosted using JAX-WS in NetBeans in Tomcat.

For example: Let's assume that in a project named "xyz" we have two Web Services namely and with two Web Service operations in each.

Now if we generate a Web Service client for within the same project in NetBeans using JAX-WS API and its wizard it is impacting What I mean by impacting is we are not able to get properly Request and Response elements for

Strangely if we generate a Web Service client for then we are not facing this issue. This issue here is in a single project if we are exposing 2 or more Web Services and in the same project if we have Web Service clients for only few of them then it impacs the other exposed Web Services.

For a workaround what we did was to have a separate project for consuming Web Services.

Do not know what is the root cause for this

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